The Ladies Auxiliary has 100th Anniversary items for sale. Click here to view.
On March 24, 1953 five women, one representing each Lynbrook Fire Company, approached the village attorney, Charles Rothkopf, asking that he obtain a charter for the Ladies Auxiliary to the Lynbrook Fire Department. New York State granted incorporation for the Auxiliary. The first meeting was held on April 8, 1953 presided over by president Marie Hilms. There were 53 charter members.
In 1967 the by-laws then read that the object was "to promote the welfare, perpetuate the principles of the Nassau County Firemen's Association and to render any assistance possible to the Fire Departments of Nassau County."
Over the years the Ladies Auxiliary has held numerous fundraisers allowing the Auxiliary to purchase various items for the Lynbrook Fire Department; marched in many parades, amassing an impressive array of trophies; served countless cups of coffee at fire scenes, and continues to assist the Lynbrook Fire Department when called upon, anytime, day or night.
Officers 2004-2006 President- Patricia Pearsall 1st Vice President- Pat Cribbin Secretary- Carol Murphy Treasurer- Mary Cash |
© 2000-2005 Lynbrook Fire Department. All rights reserved.