Our First 122 Years...
On September 25,
1900 a group of concerned Lynbrook citizens met in the quarters
of Rescue Hook Ladder
and Bucket Company to organize a "Fire Engine Company". The
twenty six charter members included representatives of prominent
names in the history of both Lynbrook and Nassau County; i.e.
Mott, King, Pearsall, Kelsey, Simonson, Abrams, Jackson and
Committees were
established to draft a Constitution and petition New York State
for incorporation. The new company was to be named:
"Lynbrook Engine Company No.
And it was agreed
that the cost of the new engine was not to exceed $250.
On October 18, 1900,
A.D. Kelsey was elected the first Foreman with H. G. Hermann as
his assistant. Samples of fire hose were reviewed. The first
hand drawn Engine and a hose cart were purchased for a total of
On October 25, 1900
by-laws were adopted and the first six members were elected into
membership. All of members’ wives, daughters and sisters were
established as a standing committee responsible for
entertainment, refreshments and fund raising. The Articles of
Incorporation were accepted and the first three Trustees were
In November of 1900
eleven new members joined bringing the total membership to 43.
Hook and Ladder agreed to house the Engine and Hose Cart for a
monthly rent of $2. The first fundraiser reaped $186. Four
Hundred and fifty feet of cotton hose was purchased at 50 cents
per foot.
On December 6, 1900
the new Engine was placed in service. New uniforms at $10.50
each were approved. Eighteen additional new members brought the
total compliment to 61 and Engine Company Number One began its
service to the residents of Lynbrook.
The minutes of the
Corporation having been reviewed disclose the following
important facts summarized by each year.
Engine Company
joined the Town of Hempstead Volunteer Fireman’s Association. A
Well Committee was formed to chart the location of existing
wells. H.G. King was elected the second Foreman. A dual
committee with Hook and Ladder was formed to create a Department
and on 12/12/01 the first Department meeting was held. John
Middleton from Truck was elected the Departments’ first chief.
Edward Lewis from Engine was elected the first Deputy Chief.
By the end of 1901
the company membership had grown to a total of 68. Edward
Valentine was elected the third Foreman.On the right is a
newspaper story announcing the incorporation of Engine Co. from
the Brooklyn Citizen newspaper dated February 6th,
Officer’s badges
were purchased at $2 each. A team of horses was hired to pull
the Engine in the Rockville Centre parade. A Ladies Auxiliary
was officially formed. A building committee was formed after
George Mott donated a plot of land on Atlantic Avenue. The total
membership was now 74. E.J. Schmidt was elected the fourth
The Company
purchased 10 feet of adjourning property on Atlantic Avenue for
$100. The Company contracted D.W. Southard to build new quarters
on the Atlantic Avenue property. Engine Company joined the
Nassau County Fireman’s Association. Edward Bates was elected
the fifth Foreman, and the position of Sergeant at Arms was
The Company formally
objected to the Chief’s order to use the Engine to create a
community skating pond. The new building progressed due to the
Ladies Auxiliary donation of $500 and a mortgage arrangement
with some members for $750. Plans from the quarters of Defender
Hose Company were used to begin construction. An Investigation
Committee to screen potential members was formed. The membership
passed 100.
Engine Company
enrolled in the Southern New York Fireman’s Association. Failure
to attend the Department drill mandated a 25-cent fine. Edward
Bates, of Engine Company, was elected Chief. A subscription
drive was started to purchase a new Hose Cart. W.P. Haff was
elected as the sixth Foreman.
The new building on
Atlantic Avenue cost $1400, of which $900 was mortgaged through
several members. A new Hose Cart was purchased for $85. Engine
Company hosted its first tournament in June. The cornerstone for
the new quarters was laid in September.

Engine Co. No. 1 with their first
hand drawn pump in front of their
quarters on Atlantic Av., now the
site of Schaefer's Bakery.
A name controversy
developed, over adding the words " Hose Co. No. 1" to the
corporation. Arthur Ebeling presented a banner so inscribed to
the Company. Attorney Sanford Davidson decided the change was
too complicated and the matter was dropped. John Lawrence was
elected the seventh Foreman.

1906 photo of Engine 1 with the
controversial "E. & H. No. 1" on their banner.
The position of
Financial Secretary was established. The Company moved into its
own quarters on Atlantic Avenue on May 1. The final cost of the
building was $1428 including: electric $35, gas $18, water $47
and furniture $31.
A pair of horses was
rented for $2 for each parade. The first hall rental for $60 per
year was granted to the Daughters of Liberty. Two Foremen were
elected this year, William Van Duger in May and John Woods in
December. The company roster stood at 113.
A new metal ceiling
and a front sidewalk were added to the building. Two fund
raisers netted $309. The first piano was purchased for $50.
Engine Company assisted with the formation of Hose Company by
lending them a Reel Cart for 2 months and 5 members transferred
to the new company.
Five hundred feet of
new hose was purchased by a merchant/member with reimbursement
to be paid in installments. Notices were posted throughout the
Village offering $1 to anyone loaning a horse to pull the Engine
to a fire. William Ingles was elected Foreman.
Anyone not present
at the fire on 12/30/08 was fined 25 cents. The Company refused
to pay damages to a citizen whose wagon was struck by the Engine
when it was being pulled to a fire.
The Sinking Fund was
established and the Trustees’ terms of office were staggered for
the first time. George Ebeling was elected Foreman.
Engine Company
forgave Hose Company for causing a burst hose line at a fire
scene. The first Post Office box was secured. William Ingles was
elected Foreman.

Engine Co. No. 1's first motorized
fire truck, a 1910 Cadillac. Photo taken in front of Captain
Charles Geisler's home.
W.G. Van Dusen was
elected the first delegate to the Nassau County Fireman’s
Association, A new Engine Committee was formed and the Company
considered asking the Village to assume ownership of the
apparatus. Two hundred feet of 2 ½" hose was purchased at 60
cents per foot. Decorating deceased members’ graves was
instituted. A.C. Thompson was elected Foreman.
The Village assumed
ownership of the Company’s Engine and Hose Cart, and the Company
requested rent for the first time. A Fire Council was formed and
met in Engine Company’s quarters. The annual meeting was changed
from December to April. Twelve new hydrants were installed. On
October 12th the "Old Church" was totally destroyed
by fire.
The Fire Councils’
first requisition gave Engine Company 500’ of new hose. Company
quarters were used for Village elections for the first time. The
first Department memorial service was held at Christ Church and
the Council approved a new fire alarm system with eight
districts. The Company was asked to host the Southern New York
Volunteers Parade and Tournament in 1914. A Junior Fire Company
was formed.
Percey Biglin was
elected Foreman for six months followed by Frank Weldon.
The first motorized
Hose Wagon was approved for $800, which was borrowed from the
Lynbrook National Bank. Village rent was set at $100 per year.
The new Hose Wagon
was struck by a taxi while backing into quarters injuring one
member. Four chauffeurs were appointed and only 4 members could
ride on the Hose Wagon to and from fires. The Village approved
$12,000 for the purchase of the new Garford pumper. A truck,
rather than using a horse, was rented to transport the apparatus
to Oyster Bay. A wood stove was purchased to heat the engine
room and Charles Geisler was elected Foreman.
The new Garford
pumper was delivered and placed into service. The hand drawn
pumper was given to the Nassau County Fireman’s Association. A
Building Committee was established to either alter the existing
building or build another. The last payment of $25 was made on
the mortgage. The original Hose Reel cart was put on display in
Greenlawn Park.
The Fire Council
changed the title of Foreman to Captain and Assistant Foreman to
Lieutenant. Charles Geisler was elected the first Captain.
Engine Company had six members enter WW I and they were exempted
from duty. After persons unknown damaged the apparatus the
Village Board could not repair it until back taxes were
For the second time
Engine Company submitted names for all three Chief positions.
The Village Board approved the purchase of a new Hose Wagon. The
first stencil "Engine Company #1" was purchased to label
After the Department
rejected the concept of a central firehouse, various sites were
reviewed for a possible move of the Company’s quarters. The
Council passed a resolution " if Engine Company lays hose from a
hydrant, no other Company will connect to same ". The original
hand pumper was sold for "junk" and the annual fair returned
The first pool table
was purchased with the Company to receive 5 cents per game if
money was involved. When Nassau County announced plans to widen
Atlantic Avenue, The Company reactivated the Building Committee.

1920 Garfield 500 Gallon Pumper with
a 2 stage pump
The first Department
installation dinner was held at the Five Corners Hotel. After
considerable discussion The Company voted to renovate the
current building. Plans to move to Carpenter Avenue or 162
Atlantic Avenue were rejected especially since the Civic League
complained to the Village Board that the firehouse should no
longer be in the commercial zone.
A Truck Committee
presented specifications to the Village Board for a Locomobile
Hose Wagon.
The Locomobile
"Tender", basically for tournaments, was placed in service at a
cost of $661. The Garford required painting and repair.
Engine Company
decided to move. The Carpenter Avenue site was selected and the
selling price of Atlantic Avenue was $17,500.
The Combs brothers
received the contract to construct the new firehouse. The corner
stone was laid on 5/26/25. Inside the cornerstone was a copper
box containing a list of all the members at that time. The
Company moved to Carpenter Avenue in August.
The Village was
advised the Garfords’ pump and motor needed major overhaul.
An Ahrens - Fox 1000
gpm pumper was approved by the Village Board, ordered and
delivered in August. An oil burner was installed. Fifty-two
members responded to 39 fires during the year. A direct
telephone line to Police headquarters was installed.

1927 Ahrens-Fox Fire Truck in photo
taken in 1955.
The Lynbrook
Emergency Relief Squad was organized and Engine Company
contributed 4 men. The Garford Engine was given to the Village
who assigned it to the Street Department of the Department of
Public Works.
The Rescue Squad
truck was relocated to Engine Company’s’ quarters. Calls
increased to 46.
The Gamewell Fire
Alarm system was installed throughout the Village. A famous
clock was relocated from Sunrise Highway and Atlantic Avenue to
the front of Engine Company’s quarters. The Company attended the
Coney Island parade for the first time. The Lynbrook Fire
Department Benevolent Association was formed.
The Fox received an
electric siren and all the couplings were chrome plated.
The Chiefs trumpet
from Chief Dolbear was presented to the Company. The Department
Examining Board was created.
The leaks in the
north wall persisted. A concrete was installed behind the truck
To help recruiting
the initiation fee was reduced to $3 from $10. The Collins
brothers on Vincent Avenue repainted the Fox.
The north wall was
waterproofed. Two recruitment teams increased membership to 38.
The leak persisted
despite more waterproofing, sandblasting and more stucco. Nassau
County divided departments into Battalions.
The leak was traced
to the roof and repaired. Engine Company suggested the formation
of a Drum and Bugle Corps. The basic card was established as a
prerequisite to be a Line Officer.
New glass was
installed in the clock at a cost of $9.50.
A windshield is
installed on the Fox.
Dues were waived for
members entering the service, and money in lieu of meeting
refreshments was donated to the Red Cross and War Stamp program.
The steam whistle was donated to the "Defense Council". Chief
Ellsworth Ogden invited the Fourth Battalion chiefs to the
Department Installation. New overhead doors were installed.
World War II efforts
continued; lower age limit reduced to 18, two $500 Defense Bonds
purchased, air raid signals developed and goggles and gloves
issued for use if incendiary bombs should be dropped.
Engine Company
recommended to the Department that a Blood Bank be established.
The first bar was built on the second floor.
Fifteen members were
in the Armed Forces. Al Hart returned after flying 60 missions
over Germany. The Position of Fire Aid was established, and a
driver’s checklist was developed.
Ex Captains’
insignia was authorized by the Company and Department. The
Village authorized three new trucks for Hose, Tally Ho and
Truck. The Company roster reached the maximum, which prompted a
review of each member’s status.
Ex Chief Raymond
"Bucky" Abrams died after a fall from a truck in Elmont. He was
the first line of duty death. The initiation fee was changed to
$5. The first pre-emptor was installed.
Wives and relatives
of members formed a Ladies Auxiliary. The Department created the
Ways and Means committee to coordinate fund raising.
A new electric siren
was installed in the Fox.
Engine Company
initiated formal Company Fire training twice per month. Blue
lights were allowed to be installed on private cars.
Engine Company
re-incorporated for another fifty years on July 6. The original
incorporation date was 2/5/1901.
A Fiftieth
Anniversary Dinner was held in quarters at a cost of $907.
Telephone poles were painted to indicate hydrant locations.
A new truck
committee was formed.
Engine Company
initially voted to purchase another Ahrens - Fox. A water leak
into the oil after each pump usage reversed the decision. The
first clambake was held in July and the Company asked Council to
approve one flag for each company during parades. The Lynbrook
School District expressed interest in acquiring Engine
Company’s’ property.
Engine Company
permanently reduced the age requirement to 18. Company voted to
purchase a new Engine with a piston pump, but there were some
questions on the reliability of Ahrens - Fox service. A two -
way radio was installed in the Fox.
The Mack Company was
the sole bidder for the proposed new engine. They delivered a
new 1000 gpm pumper in July. The Crestwood Diary burned 2 months
after the new pumper was placed in service. Chiefs and Ex Chiefs
were granted Life Member status by the Department. Scott Air
Paks replaced Chemox and MSA filter masks. A new Tournament team
staffed by a number of Engine Company members ran their first
tournament in East Rockaway. Arthur Stickelman replaced Wilfred
Combs as custodian, and a Building Committee was appointed to
renovate the firehouse.

1955 Mack Pumper

1955 Truck Dedication - From
Left to right is 2nd. Lt. Joe Reid, 2nd Dep. Chief John Thurman,
Chief Al Hart, Truck Committee
Chairman Bill Scheining, Capt. Karl Thuge, 1st Asst. Chief
Reggie Pilling, 1st Lt. Bill Koehler.
The Marie Antoinette
Bakery and 12 other stores were leveled during a pre-dawn
multiple alarm fire. The Lynbrook Library custodian was arrested
for a series of arson / burglary fires, including the Library.
The School Districts’ threat to annex Engine Company’s’ property
results in all renovations being suspended indefinitely.
The old clock was
refurbished, including new glass. Engine Company proposed the
establishment of a Third Deputy Chief. The inter company
Tournament was re - established.
Engine Company
revamped its’ entire By-laws. Ex Chief Al Hart was the Kiwanis
Clubs’ Man of the Year, for leading the Department through a
series of major alarms. Eastman Kodak photographed the Lynbrook
Fire Department apparatus from the roof of 381 Sunrise Highway
to demonstrate the color red. The Department Alarm Committee
began to consider a silent alarm system, radio versus telephone.
Despite valiant
efforts by Engine Company a women died in a house fire on Doxsey
Place. A building Fund was created to support planned
renovations. The first clambake to supplement the building fund
was held. An architect was hired to coordinate the renovations.
A new Company application form was created making the proposer
more responsible.
Engine Company asks
the Fire Council to upgrade the Village water delivery system.
The Department recommends forming a Fire Police Unit.
The renovations to
the firehouse were contracted to Werner Aue for $15,000. A
revolving blue light was added to the apparatus. The death of
Second Deputy Chief Ray Guiliano resulted in Karl Thuge being
elected to the position of Second Deputy.
Major renovations to
the firehouse were primarily completed in 3 months. The new
kitchen was scorched when chef William Mooney left to refuel the
apparatus. The Tally Ho siren was moved to the D.P.W. yard and
then replaced with an air horn. "Time signals" at 7 A.M. and 6
P.M., with the air horns, were discontinued. The Gamewell boxes
were replaced with 170 telephone boxes. Engine Company suggested
to Council that an Officer be permitted to replace an absent
Council Member.
On April 30th,
a tragic accident between the apparatus of Engine Company and
Tally Ho resulted in the untimely deaths of crossing Guard
Rosalie Roy and Engine Company members
William Koch, Peter Moody and Joseph Fischer. All three members
lived on Marion Street.
Captain Clint Pearsall declared 90 days
of official mourning.
Chief Thuge arranged for a 1941 pumper to
be assigned to Engine Company from Bay Shore, which was later
purchased by the Village for $1.
Despite the tragic deaths four
new young men joined the Company in June. A memorial cabinet was
constructed to honor the four members killed in the line of
Associate Members
were added to assist the Company.
A new 20-inch water main was
installed throughout the Village.
The Department issued new
badges with numbers 100-199 assigned to Engine Company.
A new Mack pumper
was delivered, complete with a closed cab, automatic
transmission and white top. The white top was eventually
rejected by the Department and painted red. The Company approved
funds and plans to extend the first floor of the firehouse.

1964 Mack Pumper
A new radio alerting
system was installed with 2-2-2 being sounded on the air horns
for all general alarms. William Ward was elected Trustee
Emeritus. The "Leg Trophy" game between Defenders and Engine was
inaugurated. A house committee replaced the custodian.
The School
Board and the Company began discussions to exchange property to
enable the school to expand. H.C. Schweitzer and John Sealy
became 50-year members.
The back room was
completed and a patio and storage shed were approved. The
Woolworth fire brought many neighboring Departments to assist.
Five members of the
Levy family perished in a smoky fire in their Bixley Heath home.
Construction began on a Fire Department Headquarters building. A
dedication plague for the Company’s deceased members was
Although Engine
Company and the School Board agree on a property trade, the
voters defeated the proposition. The new Fire Department
Headquarters building was dedicated. The Company replaced the
heating system with a new oil burner. The bar chit system was
introduced; a Historical Committee and the 75th
Anniversary Committee were established.
Engine Company
assisted trapped tenants during a smoky fire at 381 Sunrise
Highway. Rupp Chevrolet suffered a major fire in August. The
northeast corner of Hempstead Avenue and Merrick Road was
totally destroyed by two fast moving fires, which occurred
within 12 hours of each other. Engine Company operated for 14
hours. The Fire Council approved the repainting of the cab roof
back to white.
The "White Top" wet
down was held in April. A request by the Village to donate the
clock was refused. Fires in McLeans and Marguerites tax the
Company for 2 days. The first Christmas Cocktail party was held.
The new "Pub style"
bar complete with an "Over the Hill Gang" sign was authorized
and completed. The Department authorized 46.20 as a secondary
frequency. Engine Company put forth an extensive effort to get
William Cosenza elected Third Deputy Chief, after a secretarial
omission left his name off the ballot.
The first Super Bowl
party was held. A waiting list was established due to the large
number of new members. A Company banner with the motto of "We
Lead" was purchased.
Dial telephones
enabled fire companies to call each other directly without the
use of the Police switchboard.
The Seventy-Fifth
Anniversary Parade and Drill, Convention and Dinner were each a
rousing success, accomplished through extensive planning and
countless man and women hours by Company, Auxiliary and family
members. The weeks’ activities became a guideline for future
functions. 170 guests attended the 75th Ball at the Coral House.
A Charles Street woman died in her home during an early morning
fire. Frank Woods was named the Schaeffer Fireman of the Year.
Engine Company
considers expanding the second floor over the bar. A Truck
committee was formed to replace the Mack.
The new annual dues
are approved after 4 months of debate. Extension plans for the
second floor were shelved in favor of renovating the second
floor. The renovation cost $17,000 and was completed in 4 months
by contractor William Frost. A new parquet floor was purchased
through the generosity of Frank Woods’ bequest of $5,000. The
Company changed to Roberts Rules for meeting structure and
changed the date the officers assume office from May to April. 1
¾ " was introduced as a pre connected attack line. George Weiler
reached fifty years of service, and Captain Cit Kovic posted the
first set of parking rules for members.
Two huge snowstorms
forced standbys of 18 and 40 hours. A lightening strike during a
mutual aid to Hewlett narrowly missed seriously injuring Robert
Hurwitz and Ricky Miller. Engine Company terminated the
agreement with the election board. William Ward becomes an
Honorary Chief upon reaching his 50th Anniversary.
The Department reduced the telephone call boxes to 88 due to
increased cost. The Department issued decals to all of the
members to identify their cars due to the gasoline shortage.
After extensive
discussions the By-laws, which governed the procedures for
charges and trials, were amended. The Company agreed to
supervise the Tournament course during Hook and Ladders 100th
Anniversary Drill. The Junior Fire Department was created. The
Village received five bids for the new pumper. "Fire Com" was
introduced as a back up dispatch system.
The cost of a new
apparatus is estimated at $130,000, an Oren body on a Kenworth
chassis. Engine Company was issued the first portable
transceiver. The Ex - Captains plague was purchased and
installed, the Ladies Auxiliary donated half the cost. The
Trustees were empowered to sell the clock.
Thomas Sharp,
Raymond Schweitzer and Jack White became Honorary Chiefs as they
attain fifty years of service. Joseph Rice was the first Junior
Fireman to enter the company’s’ ranks. Engine Company voted to
keep the Mack as a spare engine.
The first Tower
Ladder, 427, and a new Floodlight Truck were delivered and
placed into service by the department. New 4.5 Scott Paks
replaced existing masks.
Cable TV was
installed. The Grumman Corporation was awarded the bid to build
the new Engine.
The Twentieth
Anniversary of the three members’ line of duty deaths was
remembered by a memorial service.
A gasoline tanker
floods Sunrise and Peninsula and the surrounding storm drains
with thousands of gallons of gasoline, narrowly averting a
A soda gun replaces
bottles and cans, and a quarry tile floor was installed in the
bar. The Company establishes policies to send a telegram to any
Department member attaining twenty-five years of service, put
aside money each month for Special Installation Dinners, and
appoints two Chauffeurs of the Month. The new Grumman Pumper
catches fire on the Pennsylvania Turnpike, while being
delivered, and is destroyed. The Mack experiences serious pump
and transmission troubles and is out of service for an extended

1984 Grumman Pumper
A new flagpole is
erected. Mary Ellen Calogero became Engine Company’s’ and
Lynbrook’s’ first female firefighter. The second Grumman Pumper
was delivered and placed into service. The Mack became the first
Department Spare as unit 4210. New York State approved the
pre-emptor at Broadway and Sunrise Highway, and the Department
formed a Haz-Mat team.
The wet down for the
new Grumman Engine was held in April. The Clock was sold to a
Brookville resident. The Department issued its first uniform
patch and "911" was added to the alarm system.
The Ahrens Fox was
located, purchased and returned to Lynbrook. Truck Company
agreed to house it rent-free.

The steam whistle or
Monahan’s Bull was returned to the Company. A Golf Outing
committee was formed. Despite Joe Rices’
personal valiant efforts, a worker drowned at a construction
site cave-in.
A new garage for the
Fox is begun, but temporarily put on hold until spring. Pagers
were issued, the Instalerts were to be phased out and the Air
Horns were silenced. Fire Com became the primary dispatcher and
Engine Company led the criticism of slower time for the alerting
of alarms.
The Fox building was
completed, and the Fox was returned to quarters on 10/10/88.
Restoration plans began, which were to be supported through fund
raising, initially selling chances at Harrows during the
History was made as
six Engine Company members; Robert CitKovic, Anthony Kenny,
Robert Magnussen, Lawrence Meyers, William Myers and William
Quinn all celebrated Twenty Five years of service.
The five-inch hose
controversy begins. SCBA rectification was inaugurated and a
cascade system was purchased. Primary dispatching was moved back
to the Police Department.
A Fire Medic program was
established and Engine Company accepted the first two members.
The old Mack was scrapped. The Ahrens Fox restoration was
started after Neale MacCarn offered to repaint each dissembled
part. Funding for the Fox continued at Harrows.
New motorized
overhead doors were installed. Fox restoration efforts were
moved to MacCarn’s Auto Body shop. Santa visited the children’s
ward at South Nassau Hospital. The Benevolent Association
expanded benefits to include an eyeglass plan.
The Fox was primed
and re-chromed aided by a $5000 New York State grant. Bunker
gear was tested.
The Emergency
Medical Company became the sixth company of the Lynbrook Fire
Department, Engine Company transferred five members to support
the new company. With a new starter the Fox became mobile. The
Stanley Cup Pool replaced Harrows’ chances as the main Fox fund
raiser. The Athens, PA. Fire Company visited with Bob Magnussen
and was treated to five fire calls.
A special memorial
service marking the 30th Anniversary of Engine
Company’s triple loss was held. The first golf outing was held
at Mount Air Lodge. The Fox was enhanced with a new rear step,
running boards and a dashboard courtesy of Butch Myers.
Replacement windows were installed throughout the building. The
position of Sergeant at Arms was reinstated. All members were
required to take Blood Borne Pathogen training. The Village
passed the Service Award Program. Extensive stress cracks caused
421 to be out of service for repair for two months, the Company
responded using a borrowed Engine.
The Fox restoration
was basically complete and it is driven in the Memorial Day
parade. Neale MacCarn was made an Honorary Member on 11/3/94,
for all his work on the Fox. Neale and his son, Kenneth, were
killed in a plane crash on 11/5/94.

The Father Thomas
Sinnot Memorial Trophy was established by the Benevolent. Two
snowstorms in March resulted in extensive stand bys. Enhanced
911 was installed in the Village and 46.30 was added as a fire
ground frequency. Five-inch hose was added to Vulcan and Hose
A 100th
Anniversary Committee was formed. The electric door for unit 425
was replaced. The Company was first due at fires in 200 Atlantic
Avenue and 570 Broadway. A December blizzard results in a
two-day stand by. A new Fire Police Unit was formed.
Emil Kallenbrunnen
was made an Honorary Chief of the Department. The Company, the
Fox and Emil were featured on a Channel 12 News special. The
Steam Whistle was donated to the Lynbrook Historical Society. A
winter storm resulted in a two-day stay in quarters.
Karl Thuge reached
fifty years of service and donated the gold leafing for the Fox.
Merrick Road Collision completed final painting of the Fox.
Fire Com assumed all
dispatching duties. Severe storms have the Company respond to 14
alarms in one day.
New siding was
installed on the firehouse. Lieutenant Michael Hynes was named
Elks Fireman of the Year, for actions at a fire in Brooklyn.
Bunker gear began to replace traditional turnout coats and
Department physical
exams were mandated. The 35th anniversary of the
tragic accident was commemorated at a ceremony. The Gamewell
telegraph box, tape and gong were restored for display. Members
were issued new enhanced pagers. Dispatching was once again
returned to the Lynbrook Police with the installation of an
enhanced 911 system. For the first time our second bay is
occupied by something other than a rescue vehicle, as the Fire
Police vehicle is relocated to Carpenter Avenue.
A Labor Day tornado
resulted in an eighteen-hour response of the Company and
Department answering 87 alarms. The Ahrens Fox was formally "wet
down" and the event was dedicated to Neale and Kenneth MacCarn.
A committee was
formed to write specifications for a new Apparatus.
Honorary Chief Emil
Kallenbrunnen passes away. The 100th Anniversary
Committee finalizes its’ plans. With a company effort the
maintenance room, hose closet and office are rebuilt and
modernized. The Executive committee begins plans to modify the
front the firehouse with new doors to accommodate a new Engine.
Engine Company No. 1
celebrated their 100th Anniversary with the 4th Battalion Parade
and Old Fashioned Drill, along with a week long Carnival at
Greis Park.
New Department
Medical Policy became effective. New single overhead garage door
installed on our quarters. Santo "Sam" Fischetto became an
Honorary Chief in in honor of his 50 years of service.
Engine Company,
being the first in at the tragic 30 Doxsey Place fire, assisted
in evacuating 150 residents and led in fire suppression efforts.
The Department receives a County Citation for their efforts.
Engine 1 mourned the loss of Ex-Chief William Quinn.
The firehouse bay
area was refurbished in contemplation of the new pumper's

Eldert Street was
renamed "Quinn's Way"
Fortieth Anniversary
of the 1963 loss of three members was well attended. Thomas
Commerford was honored for his 50 years of Service to Engine 1
and the LFD and was made an Honorary Chief. .

New 1500 g/p/m
Seagrave Pumper is placed into service. Rev. Robert Arnold dies.
Department places new pagers in service utilizing a new
independent frequency.
All trucks receive
"no smoke" exhaust systems. Joseph Rice elected as Captain and
David Pearsall is elected Chief of the Department. Ex Chief
William Cosenza is named Honorary Fire Commissioner, having
served 50 years in Engine Company. Engine 1's second floor
undergoes extensive renovations including the addition of air
conditioning. Job will take 8 month of extensive company
Nicholas Pearsall
elected Captain and became the first third-generation family
member to have this honor. Michael Kenny completes 25 years of
service. Engine Co. is "first in" to battle the
fire at Truck
Co. Quarters on April 22nd. The unfortunate fire eventually
led to the demolition of the original 1894 section of their
quarters. Engine 1 is saddened by the passing of Honorary Chief
Santo Fischetto. Ex. Captain Joseph Rice receives the Town of
Hempstead Firematic Award for assisting in saving an infant's
Engine Company
congratulated by Chiefs for their performance at B.K. Sweeney's
and 76 Buckingham Pl. fires. Paul Langer, life member, passed
away at his Florida retirement home. Ex-Chief Karl Thuge
celebrates 60 years in the fire service. Each Company receives a
thermal imaging camera. Ex-Chief Bill Cosenza received the
Lynbrook-East Rockaway Rotary Club's Lifetime Achievement Award.
Lt. Chris Kelly is lauded for his rescue of a Horton Avenue
family before the arrival of the Fire department.
April, 2007-
Christopher Kelly was elected Captain and was promptly cited by
the Hartford Insurance Company for his heroic rescue efforts on
Horton Avenue. Robert Occhipinti was elected as Chief Engineer
of the Lynbrook Fire Department. The company mourned the loss of
Honorary Chief & Ex-Captain Thomas Commerford.
August, 2007- Robert
Occhipinti, John O'reilly and Joseph Rice are feted upon
reaching 25 years of service.
Fox Room completely
renovated. St. Patrick's Day was celebrated by a first-in rapid
stop of a kitchen fire on Smith Street. For a bonus, all four
family dogs were rescued John O'Reilly succeeds Robert
Occhipinti as Chief of the Department. Captain Christopher Kelly
and Lieutenants Thomas Kelly and Bryan Martini are re-elected
for a second term. Computer generated " Red Alert" system is
installed in every firehouse. The 45th anniversary of the 1963
tragic accident was marked by memorial services.
25 Years of Service-
Firefighter Mary Ellen Calogero
was the first female to join the Lynbrook FD. She
entered the Department in August 1984. Firefighter Andrew
Dunn has celebrated 25 years service.
Thomas Kelly is starting his second term as Captain.
He was elected to his first term as Captain in April 2009.
The backroom renovation was
approved with a new bar and a large flat screen television.
A Get-Away Weekend celebrating the Company’s 110th
was held at Villa Roma. Thomas Kelly is re-elected
Captain of Engine Company. Following the Department
Elections, Edward Hynes is voted 3rd Deputy
Chief. For the first time in the Department’s History two
brothers were elected as Chief, and to serve con-currently.
All Companies are issued a
Thermal Imaging Camera. A “Spill Kit” was installed on the
apparatus. Members wishing to subscribe, were able to take
advantage of a “Red Alert System” which provided cell phone
alerting for calls and information transmission for the
Department. Due to his tragic and untimely passing, Michael
Kirby was made an Honorary Captain on August 19th.
At the Department Elections
Michael J. Hynes was voted in as the 91st Chief
Engineer of the Lynbrook Fire Department. Bryan Martini is
Elected as Captain of the Company, serving the Company for
one year. On January 12th the Company passed the
final plans to modernize the backroom, investing just short
of $90,000. The New Backroom was completed and ready as
Chief Hynes took Office. Serious blizzard conditions forced
3 standbys this winter.
Fire Fighter Michael Kenny
was Named Town of Hempstead Fireman of the Year. Ex-Chief
Karl Thuge was presented with his Honorary Commissioner
Badges at the October Meeting. Engine Company Members
received praise for their aggressive work during the
extinguishment of the fire at The Veterans of Foreign War.
Engine Company was in response to another sounded alarm,
when the alert crew noticed the fire. The Company Mourned
the Passing of Life Members Richard “Butch” Myers and
Richard “Ricky” Miller.
The role of Company
Secretary was split into the new positions of Recording &
Corresponding Secretaries. The position of Sergeant @ Arms
was eliminated. James Maxwell was elected Captain of Engine
Company, serving the Company one year. SuperStorm
Sandy hits Long Island on Sunday October 28th,
causing major flood and wind damages throughout the area.
Engine Company was on standby during the Storm. Following
the Storm the Company spends time in East Rockaway, Island
Park and Long Beach helping their neighboring Departments as
they recovered from the Storm. Rather than hosting their
usual Christmas Party for the Department, Engine Company
provides a gathering for East Rockaway’s firefighters and
their families. It was overwhelmingly well received. At
year’s end, Ex-Chief Bill Cosenza sets a new record for
calls in a calendar year with 1515. The Company mourned the
passing of Honorary Captain Paul Pearsall.
At the Department Elections
Edward J. Hynes was voted in as the 93rd Chief
Engineer of the Lynbrook Fire Department. Nicholas Pearsall
was elected 47th Captain of Engine Company. This
is the second time this Third Generation Firefighter served
as Captain. On Sunday April 28th Engine Company,
along with 140 Members and Guest Honorees remembered the
tragic passing of
Koch, Peter Moody and Joseph Fischer who died in the line of
duty 50 years ago. Thanks to the organized efforts of the
Recruitment Committee, led by Ex-Captain Chris Kelly,
Membership in the Company steadily improves. Walter Fitzer
was named the Village of Lynbrook’s Man of the Year. At
Engine Company’s Installation Dinner, the Company Celebrated
the Fifty Years of Service of Honorary Commissioner Robert
Citkovic and Honorary Chiefs Larry Meyers, William Myers, &
Robert Magnussen. Honorary Commissioner Karl Thuge
celebrated his 70th Year of Service.
Michael Kenny was recognized as the 2014 Town of Hempstead Fireman of the Year for administering CPR and saving the life of an infant while on a flight. An exceptionaIly heavy snowfall caused severa I stand-bys. Engine Company converted to 5" supply hose line from the previously used 3". Walter Fitzer celebrated his fifty years of as a Member of Engine Company & The Lynbrook Fire Department. Walter was promoted to Honorary Chief. Michael Hynes and Michael Kostyra both celebrated their twenty-five years of as a Member of Engine Company & The Lynbrook Fire Department.
William "Bucky''Abrams was successfully elected Third Deputy Chief. Nicholas Pearsall was elected Captain for a third consecutive term. He is the first Captain to obtain this accomplishment. The Village saw fire hydrants begin to be repainted red and white.
Nicholas Pearsall is nominated and is
successfully elected as Third Deputy Chief. William Abrams is
elected as Second Deputy Chief.
Christopher Kelly is elected for a second term as Captain of
Engine Company.A new high band radio frequency and portable
radios have been installed. In January, a two day blizzard
caused members to be on stand-by for two days.
Valentine’s Day saw the Company first due for a fire that took
three hours to extinguish a major house fire at the corner of
Scranton & Broadway. A new Department policy requires a yearly
physical for all members each June. Ex-Chief and Associate Member
James McDermott unexpectedly died in August, Lynbrook Fire
Department’s Head Quarter’s was later re-named in his Honor.
New Department Probationary Members will face a new requirement
of a Power Point Presentation and quiz. The year ended on a
somber note for the Company as 50 Year Member , Honorary Chief &
Ex-Captain William Myers passed away during the Christmas
William Abrams is elected as 1st
Assistant Chief and Nicholas Pearsall elected as 2rd Assistant
Chief. On a Company level Daniel Dempsey is elected as Captain,
Bryan Martini 1st Lt. and Pete Ledwith 2nd Lt. We mourned the
passing of Honorary Commissioner & Ex-Chief Robert Citkovic and
Mayor & Honorary member William Hendrick during the year. A new
training center is constructed at the end of Wright Ave next to
Headquarters and dedicated in the memory of the firefighters who
died in the line of duty. The annual home tournament and picnic
saw the company take the first place in the competition by
winning buckets, edging Vulcan Company by 1 point. The
Department standardized the accountability system, adopting the
model used by Engine Company for years. November saw the Company
hold a dinner honoring Jack Callanan for 50 years, 1st Assistant
Chief William Abrams and Don Kealey for 25 years and 2nd
Assistant Chief Nicholas Pearsall and Christopher Kelly for
their term as Captain. The Company responded first due to Signal
10 house fires at 32 Davison Avenue and 296 Sherman Street.
The year started off with blizzard
that dumped 14 inches of snow necessitating a prolonged standby.
Shortly after we released from standby we had our monthly
meeting where Ryan Tachiera was elected 2nd Lieutenant due to an
unexpected opening in that position. In April the Department
elected William Abrams as Chief of Department and Nicholas
Pearsall 1st Assistant Chief and the Company re-elected Daniel
Dempsey, Bryan Martini and Ryan Tachiera to a second term in
their respective positions. On a Department level, Narcan and
Epi Pens were distributed, thumb scanners were introduced,
replacing paper call books, and the Department stopped using
yellow helmets to identify probationary members, instead using
orange helmet shields and orange reflective stickers around the
helmet. The Company installed a backup generator, insuring we
would stay operational in the event of power outages. A trip to
Arlington National Cemetery was made to take part in a military
service for Robert Citkovic who passed away in 2017. The annual
golf outing celebrated 25 years and we defended our first-place
finish in the annual home tournament. The Company was first due
to a Signal 10 house fire on Clifford Street. Christmas Eve kept
us busy with four alarms, capped off with off by a Signal 10 at
Linden and Broadway.
Nicholas Pearsall was elected as
Chief of Department and Christopher Kelly elected as 3rd
Assistant Chief. Company elections were held and Bryan Martini
was elected as Captain for the second time. Additionally, Ryan
Tachiera was elected 1st Lieutenant and Sean Hynes 2nd
Lieutenant. Engine Company was first due to signal 10 house
fires on Lakewood Boulevard and Durland Road, and a fully
involved garage on Spencer Avenue. Engine Company for the third
time in a row won the home tournament. Department dispatching
was transferred completely to Nassau County Fire Communications
Bureau. Andrew Martini returned back to the Company after
completing months of basic training as a Navy Seabee. Using his
newly-acquired skills, he assisted in the construction of a fire
pit in the rear yard. In October we were tasked by the Village
to quickly design a Spartan pumper to replace our 2003 Seagrave.
Donald Kealey was awarded a Town of Hempstead firematic award
for his lifesaving actions after witnessing a cardiac event.
Assistant Chief Kelly, Don Kealey and Ryan Kenny were also
awarded Village firematic awards for various heroic events that
happened during the year.
Christopher Kelly was elected as 2nd
Assistant Chief and Company Officers were re-elected for a
second term. Ex-Chief John O’Reilly would be elected at the
chairman of the 4th Battalion, becoming the first
member of the company to do so. This year will forever be known
as a year that was dominated by COVID-19, and as a result, many
things would not be the same. The virus’s first cases would
start to quickly appear, and by March the virus was spreading so
fast that it forced the closure of the firehouse for the first
time ever, we would not reopen our doors until June. The
Department would start zone response to calls and crew sizes
were reduced to limit exposure to others. Meetings and trainings
were now held virtually and many events had to be cancelled or
modified. While many members were affected, sadly Ex Captain
William Irving passed away of complications of this disease.
Many positives did occur throughout the year. Assistant Chief
Kelly, Don Kealey and Ryan Kenny were honored by the Town of
Hempstead for life saving actions that happened in 2019. A
committee to renovate the engine room was formed in preparation
of a new pumper and construction began on our Spartan pumper.
The company was first due to a large shed fire on Evergreen Ave
and to a Signal 10 at the home of our member Dave McAleese. The
firehouse would shut down again in December as COVID-19
With COVID-19 still a threat, the firehouse re-opened in
February. Christopher Kelly would be elected 1st Assistant
Chief, Ryan Tachiera Captain, Sean Hynes 1st Lieutenant and John
O’Reilly lll 2nd Lieutenant. The company took part in a surprise
93rd birthday drive by celebration for Honorary Commissioner,
Ex-Chief Karl Thuge. 1st Assistant Chief Kelly and Ex-Chief Nick
Pearsall received Nassau County EMS awards for their actions in
2020 and Ex-Chief Nick Pearsall was awarded the Silver Medal of
Valor for rescuing a male at a house fire in East Rockaway when
he was Chief of Department. 421 was first due at a basement fire
on Shipherd Ave. A modern logo was approved by the company to be
placed on the new pumper and the renovations were completed
prior to its arrival, giving the engine room a fresh feel.
Finally, after many COVID related delays our new Spartan 1500
gallon per minute pumper was put into service in the fall. A wet
down celebration was held in November, and a great time was had
by the many who attended.
Christopher Kelly was elected as Chief of Department.
Captain Ryan Tachiera, 1st Lieutenant Sean Hynes and 2nd
Lieutenant John O’Reilly lll were re-elected to a second term.
In February, we were dispatched to East Rockaway for a Signal
10. Our quick response resulted in being the second due engine
and getting some good work in! The Company was first due to
three Signal 10’s of our own in June on Buckingham St, Sherman
St and Smith St. In December, the Department was dispatched at
night to a waterflow alarm at a warehouse on Merrick Rd. Engine
1 was first due and was met with smoke pushing from all sides of
the building. After forcing entry, it was found that a delivery
truck had caught fire and was extinguished by the buildings
sprinkler system. The annual home tournament saw the Company
take 1st place. Sadly, in November, Honorary Commissioner and
Ex-Chief William Cosenza passed away after 68 years of service.
Bill’s dedication to the residents of the Village was unmatched
and model for all.
A new slate of officers is
sworn in, Sean Hynes Captain, John O'Reilly lll 1st Lieutenant
and Brendan O' Reilly as 2nd Lieutenant. On April 30th a
memorial service was held to honor and remember our members who
were killed responding to a general alarm 60 years ago. Ex Chief
Tony Badolato and Ex Chief Dave Pearsall were honored for their
50 years of service and awarded the rank of Honorary
Commissioner. Mary Ellen Calogero, the first female firefighter
in the Department and Honorary Chief Jack Callanan answered
their final alarm. The year finished up with 421 first due at a
mixed occupancy signal 10 on Merrick Road.
Copyright ©
2000-2024 Engine Company No. 1, Lynbrook Fire Department.
All rights reserved. Revised:
12 Jul 2024 13:53:10 -0400