Persons wishing to
Join the Lynbrook Fire Department must meet the
following criteria:
You must be a resident of the
Village of Lynbrook
You must be between 18 and 55 years
You must be in generally good health
You must be approved for company
membership for the company you wish
to join.
In addition, you must be able to attend at least 25%
of department functions, alarms, fund raising
activities, parades, and complete basic fire
fighting training.
Fire companies meet
most Sunday mornings at 10
AM and again once during the week in the evening.
Lynbrook Fire Department will train new members in basic and
advanced firefighting techniques through both in house and
Nassau County Fire Training Center courses.
Medical Company
personnel will be required to take Emergency Medical
Training Courses.
All Training (Fire, EMS, etc.)
courses are offered free of charge
to members.
Free Gym membership
Village and County Tax
LOSAP- Retirement
Nassau Community College
tuition assistance
Medical Company Memberships
joining Medical Company will receive basic and advanced
first aid, as well as Emergency Medical Technician training.
Medical training is offered
free of charge to members.
Lynbrook Junior Fire Department
The Lynbrook Junior FIre Department has a program for children
from 12 to 17 years of age.
See the
Fire Department page on this website for additional
information or call the Junior's Senior Advisor Laura
Gulliksen directly at 516-599-8043 or e-mail her at